and the truth shall make you free.

Asian leaders in those days who show gratitude to Japan


Jawaharlal Nehru (Indian first prime minister after the independence)

India is to be independent soon. It is Japan that gave us the opportunity to become independent. The independence of Japan was made possible 30 years earlier thanks to Japan. We should never forget what they have done for us. Not only India, but all south eastern Asian countries such as Indonesia and Vietnam. We Indian citizens will never spare every effort for the restoration of the people of Japan. Not only we but also the people of Asian countries feel the same.



Ba Maw (Ex-president) Declaration of Independence

The Burmese had been waiting for the leaders to unite Asia and save Asia, and found that in the empire of Japan.
The Burmese desires to make an eternal record of gratitude towards Japan that made maximum contribution to Burma.



Kukrit Pramoj (Thai land ex-president)

“It was thanks to Japan that all nations of Asia gained independence. For Mother Japan, it was a difficult birth which resulted in much suffering, yet her children are growing up quickly to be healthy and strong. 

Who was it that enabled the citizens of the nations of Southeast Asia to gain equal status alongside the United States and Britain today? It is because Japan, who acted like a mother to us all, carried out acts of benevolence towards us and performed feats of self-sacrifice. December 8th is the day when Mother Japan – who taught us this important lesson – laid her life on the line for us, after making a momentous decision and risking her own well-being for our sake.This day should ever be forgotten”.
(Dec.8  in the Siam Rat newspaper)
