and the truth shall make you free.

Japan‐Republic of Korea Basic Relations Treaty

An incident that proves the comfort women dispute was false

Today, especially Korea demands an apology and a compensation for damage towards Japan. However, this was not legitimate. Japan had done sufficient compensation towards them and also Korea did renunciation for demanding the compensation.


For all these four factors, Japan had no need to compensate for Korea. The first reason why the compensation was not necessary was because Japan had not exploited Korea. Secondly, even if a nation is colonized, it is a common sense that colonizing countries do not compensate for the colonized countries in the history. Thirdly, Korea received sufficient benefits from Japan because Japan invested great sum of national budget for the sake of the development of Korea during the period while Japan ruled Korea. And fourthly, many of their claims are either exaggeration or invention.


However, we cannot make progress even if we insist on the above points, Japan decided to tolerate the details and put an end to the past history with Korea, and decided to make a treaty with Korea in 1965. That was Japan‐Republic of Korea Basic Relations Treaty.


This treaty was a treaty to put an end to every kind of problem with Korea before, during and after the war. In one word, Korea was to investigate all kinds of damage from Japan, and Japan would compensate for that damage. Therefore, if Korean individuals were damaged in some way, they were supposed to claim to Korea, because Korean government had received compensation for a whole country from Japan.

Therefore, whether it was a damage as a country or as an individual, if there was any, they were supposed to claim to Korean government. Through this treaty, Japanese government made an official apology and compensation towards Korea.


Also another significance of this treaty shows that a problem of ‘Comfort women’ that Korea insists is an invention. Before this treaty was concluded, Korea tried to bring up every kind of evil that Japan did towards them. But they never mentioned about comfort women even once at that time.
